Updates: I have some wonderful news, and much to my mothers relief!! This Monday, I received a call from Ensenada, Mexico, and the leader there told me that there would be a Discipleship Training School in June! SO Ensenada, here I come. I am trying to get together all the visas and necessary items for going to this school. I leave the morning of the ninth of June, and as my mother seemed to notice, that is much less than two months away and approaching rather quickly. Here is an update on the set costs of the trip. The school with the outreach phase include $5,000 and plane travel is $500 and up considering I don't know where the outreach will be. So I am guesstimating about $6,000 total.
Prayer Requests: That God would eliminate all fears and anxiety, allowing my heart to solely rest in HIM. Also pray for the Lord to prepare the way in which I am to walk, break down barriers so that the gospel will be received, and carry out all He desires.
Above is a compilation of beautiful pictures of Ensenada.