Well, here I am having just finished our first phase in outreach to Tecate, Mexico, and I can honestly say that we saw the hand of God at work. We stayed in Tecate for two weeks and began pioneering a new base for Youth With a Mission. Before we left on outreach, our team had a week filled with intercession prayer for our outreach in Tecate, Panama, and Colombia. In our times of intercession one of our team mates mentioned that there were several satanic camps that were working both in the city and in the out skirts of Tecate. Having this information, our team entered Tecate prepared for spiritual warfare. The stronghold that Satan had in Tecate was visible, and when we entered the city, it was as if light and darkness collided.
Our first week in Tecate was spent sleeping in a church, working with youth along with intercity evangelism. It was amazing how quickly the youth and our team bonded. We were really blessed to have formed such strong relationships with them. Our intercity evangelism consisted of going to hospitals, parks, and other public places where we would share our testimonies, do dramas, and share the hope of Christ to the surrounding communities. Everytime we had one of these evangelistic outreaches in the city, there were always people watching and waiting to hear what we had to say. Often the people would ask for prayer, and it was beautiful to see the team work in untiy as we were able to cover them, their families, and their concerns in prayer.
Towards the end of our first week in Tecate we led a program for three nights with the church we were staying with. We picked a specific park where we would lead worship, play with children, present the gospel and do dramas three nights in a row. God showed up, but not without Satan wanting to destroy things as well. One of the nights we had such a massive turn out of children, but we also had every type of technical problem. First the lights went out and we were only functioning on flashlights. We decided to start the program in faith and the church began to lead worship. I heard so clearly from the Lord that I was to go out into the dark and start dancing, proclaiming light into the city of Tecate. So I went and before I knew it there were at least 40 children dancing by my side, and within 10 minutes, the lights came on. Then we had trouble with music for our dramas, our team came together and started praying with passion and declaring God's truth, resisting Satan and declaring that he must flee. The sound began to work. We covered everything that night in prayer and God really showed up, bringing an even greater multitude the following night.
These are the things we saw and light was brought into the city of Tecate. There are many other stories from my team mates as to how God worked. Please continue praying for our team as we head out on Sunday to Panama. I will do my best to keep you all updated, seeing as there very few opportunites to get on the computer. God bless
Prayer Requests:
1. Unity
2. God's preparation for the people we come in contact with
4. safety
5. a deep passion for Christ to grow within each of us.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
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