Sunday, May 20, 2007

Prayer before I leave

Friends Family and Loved Ones,
Excitment is filling me as the days are approaching and the time for me to leave is drawing ever nearer. Today is the 20th of May and so I only have 19 more days at home.. I leave the 9th of June and it is approaching rather quickly. Here are some things I would ask you all to pray for :
1. Please pray that the Lord would continue to mold me and prepare me as I step out
2. Remove any stumbling blocks or anything that hinders me from pursuing the Lord wholly
3. That all problems with Mexican visas will be resolved
4. Fear would not engulf me
5. That the Lord would go before me, behind me and cover me as my protection
6. That the Lord would prepare the hearts of all he desires me to reach and touch with his love
and grace.

Grace and Peace to you all in the Lord Jesus Christ-


knights2010 said...

LAUREN, It's the day before you leave, and I miss you so much already. I know you'll do great things, we're always here for you and we're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers!

LOve you,

Anonymous said...

LAUREN CONRAD!!!!! Just becuase you are not in Roanoke for the next 5 months does not mean you cannot celebrate with people back home! Therefor I have very exciting news to share with you!! Monday, June 11, 2007 I got a beta fish! His name is "SIR PEARL", he is blue and he is beautiful! I love him very much! I have had Pearl for almost 4 days and Tim is already jelous of the love for my fish! HA how funny! Anywhoo on a more serious note, I love you so very much and hope you are doing well. I miss you like CRAZY. I pray that you are staying healthy and that God will give you wisdom in your daily choices. I pray that he will give you rest and peace that you need. I also pray that you will know you are loved and cared for! Everyone misses and is praying for you! I love you Lauren Elizabeth.

With all my LOOOVE,
Debbie Popp