I figured you were probably tired of my preaching and teaching that I have been picking up in class, so I decided I would share some of our recent outreach ministries. To the left is a picture of me and a litte boy named Alfonso. Alfonso is one of many children at an abused woman's shelter. Many women have fled their husbands or boyfriends taking their kids with them and found shelter here. This little boy in particular was special to me. His father had beaten him so terribly that his all of his front top teeth had been broken and shattered leaving him with at least 8 metal coverings. Such a sweet baby, and it just broke my heart. There were so many children, and they were all yearning for attention and love.
We have also been visiting several churches around Ensenada and the surrounding pueblos. I think we have visited about 6 in the last week. Each time we found out about a day or maybe even 7 hours before we were going and we would have to plan testimonies, worship and preaching all in that time. That was intense, but God was so faithful! He provided all we needed and the Holy Spirit did some amazing work. Keep praying!
My ear has healed completely, however I lost the piercing (my parents are probably rejoicing). My stomach and cold have settled and all is going well. I must say I missed the 4th of July and I miss you all so much, but I am resting in the arms of Christ and He is comforting me and strengthening me day by day. I love you all and will continue to keep you updated. God bless you- Lauren
Hey Lauren! Those boys are absolutely adorable!! I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you everyday. It sounds like God is teaching you so much. I am also very glad that your Spanish is picking up so fast! From this end, six months seems like a really long time, but I know that from your end it will go by soo quickly. I hope that you are learning to savor every moment God gives you with the people in Ensenada. I love you, and I can't wait to talk to you when you get home!!!
Katie :)
Hey Lauren
How come your sibling units are not posting???! Slackers!!!
Anyway, lots of LOVE and encouragement from Roanoke. Annie is at Frontier Ranch washing toilets, cleaning bathrooms and making beds for Jesus
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