Sunday, May 18, 2008

Beg For This Nation (May 12)

This past week I have been staying with a group in Kampala, being discipled by Dr. Krabbendam and reaching out into the community by doing door-to-door evangelism while working with the churches. This is a very receptive culture and many accepted Christ as their Savior. However, while it is receptive, there are several lies that are confusing the new believers and the non-believers. Islam and Mormonism along with churches that are practicing human sacrifice and that the enemy has corrupted really confuse the Ugandan people. Pray that God would invade this situation and bring his light and his truth. Pray that eyes would be opened.
I love the song “You Said”- it has been such a promise to me as I see the way in which Satan is trying to confuse. He is the father of lies – is he not? The song says:
You said ask and I’ll give the nations to you, Oh Lord, that’s the cry of my heart. Distant shores and the islands will see your light as it rises on us.
Please beg God for the nation of Uganda and that His light would illuminate all the half-truths and lies in which Satan is entangling those around us.

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