Family, Friends, and Fellow Warriors,
I am calling us to battle, a battle of prayer, that is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and kingdoms of darkness. There is a young boy here at Amecet, where I am working, named Dennis. Dennis is our sickest child here and is constantly on the edge of death. I have been praying for a while about Dennis and I was reminded the other day by my mom that sometimes in order to bring healing and restoration, fasting and prayer need to be involved. My heart is so heavy for him. He is HIV+, he has Tuberculosis, and a lung disease, he is no longer eating on his own, but is constantly living off of tube feeding and several medications a day. He has had fever almost consistantly for four months and he is only a year and seven months old. He cannot walk, or crawl. He does not talk but most of the time is moaning with pain or screaming with pain.
I have a feeling as well that this isnt just about his health. A lot of hexes and curses and withcraft are going on here in Uganda, and I am pretty sure that a spiritual force is over him, convincing him not to eat and causing him to continually vomit up the tube-fed food. It's killing him. I am asking you all, as fellow believers, to take up the sword of the spirit and go into battle with me for Dennis. I have been reading a book recently called 'The Sword of the Spirit, The Word of God' and it quotes the book of Acts saying 'Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus' (Acts 4:29-30). So, let us speak out God's word with great boldnes and ask God to stretch out his hand to heal.
This week, I am going to be fasting praying and on Saturday, a group from the YWAM base in Soroti are coming together to lay hands on Dennis and pray over him. I am asking all who are willing and able to stand with me and fast and pray on Saturday, and declare Dennis' healing in the Name of Jesus Christ. Expect God to move in a mighty way. I am attaching a sheet of scriptures to pray out over Dennis.
Let's use the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, to rebuke his fever, and denounce all spiritual strongholds, and declare healing over this baby. The scriptures are written in a fashion for prayers and can be found in the book 'The Sword of the Spirit, The Word of God', by Joy Lamb. Please be praying!
Standing in His truth,
Lauren Conrad
Healing Scriptures
Thank you Lord that you have promised to pardon all our iniquities and to heal all our diseases. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Psalm 103:3
Thank you Lord that You will heal those who are sick and say to them, ‘the Kingdom of God has come neat to you.’ In the name of Jesus Christ.
Luke 10:9
Thank you Lord that at this very time you will cure those people of disease and afflictions and evil spirits and you will grant sight to those who are blind. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Luke 7:21
Thank you Lord that this sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God that the Son of God might be glorified by it. In the name of Jesus Christ.
John 11:4
Thank you Lord that you will bring them health and you will cure them, and reveal unto them an abundance of peace and truth. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Jeremiah 33:6
Heal them O Lord, and they will be healed, save them and they will be saved. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Jeremiah 17:14
Thank you Lord that you will feel compassion for them and heal those who are sick. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 14:14
Oh Lord my God, Thank you that they cried out to you for help, and you healed them. O Lord you have brought their soul from Sheol (death). You have kept them alive that they should not go down to the pit. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Psalm 30:2-3
Thank you Lord that you sent your Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Psalm 107:20
Thank you Lord that you will have compassion on the afflicted. In the name of Jesus.
Isaiah 49:13
Thank you Lord that we being to you many who are demon possessed: and you will cast out the spirits with a word and heal all those who are ill, in order that what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled saying ‘He himself took their infirmities and carried away their diseases.’ In the name of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 8:16-17
Thank you Lord that you will sustain them upon their sickbed. In their illness you will restore them to heath. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Psalm 41:3
Thank you Lord that the power of the Lord is present for Jesus to perform healing. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Luke 5:17
Thank you Lord that when you stand over them and rebuke the fever it will leave them. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Luke 4:39
Thank you Lord that those who believe in you, the works that you did, they shall do also and even greater works than what Jesus did they shall do, because you are with the father and whatever they ask in your name, that will you do, that the father may be glorified in the son. In the name of Jesus Christ.
John 14:11-14
Thank you Lord that you have told us that this is the sign of believers. That they lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Mark 16:18
Thank you Lord that the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick. In the name of Jesus Christ.
James 5:15
Thank you Lord that you will heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among these people. Thank you Lord that we, as intercessors, will bring to you all who are ill, taken with various diseases and pains, and you will heal them. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 4:23-24
Thank you Lord that you will anoint us with the Holy Spirit and with power, and we will go about doing good and healing all who are oppressed by the devil; for you are with us. In the name of Jesus Christ.
2 Kings 20:5
Thank you Lord that all things they ask in prayer, believing, they shall receive. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 21:22
Thank you Lord that you will say to the dead “get up!” And the dead will sit up and begin to talk. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Luke 7:14- 15
Thank you Lord that you are the God who performs miracles; thank you that you display your power among the people. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Psalm 77:14
Thank you Lord that you have promised to pardon all our iniquities and to heal all our diseases. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Psalm 103:3
Thank you Lord that You will heal those who are sick and say to them, ‘the Kingdom of God has come neat to you.’ In the name of Jesus Christ.
Luke 10:9
Thank you Lord that at this very time you will cure those people of disease and afflictions and evil spirits and you will grant sight to those who are blind. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Luke 7:21
Thank you Lord that this sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God that the Son of God might be glorified by it. In the name of Jesus Christ.
John 11:4
Thank you Lord that you will bring them health and you will cure them, and reveal unto them an abundance of peace and truth. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Jeremiah 33:6
Heal them O Lord, and they will be healed, save them and they will be saved. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Jeremiah 17:14
Thank you Lord that you will feel compassion for them and heal those who are sick. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 14:14
Oh Lord my God, Thank you that they cried out to you for help, and you healed them. O Lord you have brought their soul from Sheol (death). You have kept them alive that they should not go down to the pit. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Psalm 30:2-3
Thank you Lord that you sent your Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Psalm 107:20
Thank you Lord that you will have compassion on the afflicted. In the name of Jesus.
Isaiah 49:13
Thank you Lord that we being to you many who are demon possessed: and you will cast out the spirits with a word and heal all those who are ill, in order that what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled saying ‘He himself took their infirmities and carried away their diseases.’ In the name of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 8:16-17
Thank you Lord that you will sustain them upon their sickbed. In their illness you will restore them to heath. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Psalm 41:3
Thank you Lord that the power of the Lord is present for Jesus to perform healing. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Luke 5:17
Thank you Lord that when you stand over them and rebuke the fever it will leave them. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Luke 4:39
Thank you Lord that those who believe in you, the works that you did, they shall do also and even greater works than what Jesus did they shall do, because you are with the father and whatever they ask in your name, that will you do, that the father may be glorified in the son. In the name of Jesus Christ.
John 14:11-14
Thank you Lord that you have told us that this is the sign of believers. That they lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Mark 16:18
Thank you Lord that the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick. In the name of Jesus Christ.
James 5:15
Thank you Lord that you will heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among these people. Thank you Lord that we, as intercessors, will bring to you all who are ill, taken with various diseases and pains, and you will heal them. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 4:23-24
Thank you Lord that you will anoint us with the Holy Spirit and with power, and we will go about doing good and healing all who are oppressed by the devil; for you are with us. In the name of Jesus Christ.
2 Kings 20:5
Thank you Lord that all things they ask in prayer, believing, they shall receive. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 21:22
Thank you Lord that you will say to the dead “get up!” And the dead will sit up and begin to talk. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Luke 7:14- 15
Thank you Lord that you are the God who performs miracles; thank you that you display your power among the people. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Psalm 77:14
This brought tears to my eyes! Despite Dennis's suffering, still, in the picture, he smiles. His eyes are so innocent. I am praying with you today, tomorrow and the next days to come for Dennis's recovery. I pray that the Lord may touch him with His strong healing hands! Although their evil is real, OUR GOD is greater than their witchcraft, hexes and curses! I will be thinking and praying for YOU as well! With Love in Christ, Angela Ross
Hi Lauren. What an inspiration you are for those of us on the home front. I received your email through Sarah Netzel's mom. I will be praying for release and miracles today for Dennis as well as the other children. Thank you for the Scriptures as well as "being the hands and feet of Christ" right there, right now. God Bless you.
Hi Lauren. What an inspiration you are for those of us on the home front. I received your email through Sarah Netzel's mom. I will be praying for release and miracles today for Dennis as well as the other children. Thank you for the Scriptures as well as "being the hands and feet of Christ" right there, right now. God Bless you.
I will be praying for Dennis and that his healing serves as a spiritual breakthrough in this dark area of the world. There are a lot of folks praying for you also. How are you feeling? Can't wait to hear more about what God does through this missions trip.
Thanks for keeping your blog up.
hi lauren, i heard about your blog today in Sunday school from your mom. you are such an amazing person to be leaving all the "nice things" you could have here and work for God. i admire you very much and you are an encouragement and wonderful example. i will be praying for dennis and you and your work. thank you and THANK GOD for your faith! blessings, catherine davis
I'm SO glad the Lamb book is coming in handy! It's such a great prayer resource - I hate going to pray for someone without it! I just knew you would need it! YAY!
I'm SO glad you are feeling better. I've been praying every time your name has come across my mind. I will also be in prayer for this warfare you are facing on Dennis' behalf. Ask for the Holy Spirit to reveal the stronghold causing this illness. I will ask as well and email you if I hear from Him what to pray for. Only God knows the specifics - so let's ask Him to reveal it to us. He is SO mighty and BIG! I love you SO much! I'll email you tomorrow!
It is sometimes difficult for those of us in the States to grasp the reality and the intensity of spiritual warfare. Paul, however, was a missionary himself and he understood what he was up against. He explained,
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
How true that is! And yet Satan has used a hiding strategy in a country like ours with Judeo-Christian roots. Working subtly, behind the scenes, and often through "religious" people; much like the strategy he was using with Israel when Jesus walked here on earth.
As I write, I am leaving for a week to go to a week of camp. The theme this year is "God is Bigger." What a simple, yet powerful theme. Our daily themes are: He is bigger than me, bigger than our problems, bigger than the world, bigger than our sin, bigger than our plans, bigger than everything!
We will continue to pray for you. And we know that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.
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